Source code for zmq_plugin.hub

# coding: utf-8
from collections import OrderedDict
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import logging
import re

import zmq
import jsonschema
from .schema import validate, get_connect_reply, get_execute_reply

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Hub(object): ''' Central hub to connect a network of plugin instances. Note ---- **Thread-safety** All socket configuration, registration, etc. is performed *only* when the `reset` method is called explicitly. Thus, all sockets are created in the thread that calls the `reset` method. By creating sockets in the thread the calls `reset`, it is straightforward to, for example, run a `Plugin` in a separate process or thread. Parameters ---------- query_uri : str The URI address of the **hub** query socket. Plugins connect to the query socket to register and query information about other sockets. name : str Unique name across all plugins. Attributes ---------- command_socket : zmq.Socket Plugins send command requests to the command socket. command_uri : str The URI address of the command socket. Command URI is determined at time of binding (bound to random port). host : str Host name or IP address. name : str Hub name (**MUST** be unique across all plugins). publish_socket : zmq.Socket Hub broadcasts messages to plugins over the publish socket. publish_uri : str The URI address of the publish socket. Publish URI is determined at time of binding (bound to random port). query_socket : zmq.Socket Plugins connect to the query socket to register and query information about other sockets. query_uri : str The URI address of the query socket. registry : OrderedDict Registry of connected plugins. transport : str Transport (e.g., "tcp", "inproc"). ''' def __init__(self, query_uri, name='hub'): host_cre = re.compile(r'^(?P<transport>[^:]+)://(?P<host>[^:]+)' r'(:(?P<port>\d+)?)') match = self.transport ='transport') ='host') = name self.query_uri = query_uri self.query_socket = None # Command URI is determined at time of binding (bound to random port). self.command_uri = None self.command_socket = None # Publish URI is determined at time of binding (bound to random port). self.publish_uri = None self.publish_socket = None # Registry of connected plugins. self.registry = OrderedDict() @property def logger(self): '''logging.Logger: Class-specific logger. Logger configured with a name in the following form:: <module_name>.<class_name>.<method_name>->"<>" ''' return logging.getLogger('.'.join((__name__, str(type(self).__name__), inspect.stack()[1][3])) + '->"%s"' %
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the plugin state. This includes: - Resetting the execute reply identifier counter. - Resetting the ``publish``, ``query``, and ``command`` sockets. ''' self.execute_reply_id = itertools.count(1) self.reset_publish_socket() self.reset_query_socket() self.reset_command_socket()
[docs] def reset_query_socket(self): ''' Create and configure *query* socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists). ''' context = zmq.Context.instance() if self.query_socket is not None: self.query_socket.close() self.query_socket = None # Create command socket and assign name as identity. self.query_socket = zmq.Socket(context, zmq.REP) self.query_socket.bind(self.query_uri)
[docs] def reset_command_socket(self): ''' Create and configure *command* socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists). ''' context = zmq.Context.instance() if self.command_socket is not None: self.command_socket.close() self.command_socket = None # Create command socket and assign name as identity. self.command_socket = zmq.Socket(context, zmq.ROUTER) self.command_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, bytes( base_uri = "%s://%s" % (self.transport, self.command_port = self.command_socket.bind_to_random_port(base_uri) self.command_uri = base_uri + (':%s' % self.command_port)
[docs] def reset_publish_socket(self): ''' Create and configure *publish* socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists). ''' context = zmq.Context.instance() if self.publish_socket is not None: self.publish_socket.close() self.publish_socket = None # Create publish socket and assign name as identity. self.publish_socket = zmq.Socket(context, zmq.PUB) base_uri = "%s://%s" % (self.transport, self.publish_port = self.publish_socket.bind_to_random_port(base_uri) self.publish_uri = base_uri + (':%s' % self.publish_port)
[docs] def query_send(self, message): ''' Send message to query socket. Parameters ---------- message : str Encoded json reply. ''' self.query_socket.send(message)
[docs] def on_execute__register(self, request): ''' Add name of client to registry and respond with registry contents. Returns ------- OrderedDict Registry contents. ''' source = request['header']['source'] # Add name of client to registry. self.registry[source] = source self.logger.debug('Added "%s" to registry', source) # Respond with registry contents. return self.registry
[docs] def on_execute__ping(self, request): ''' Send "pong" response to requesting plugin. Useful to, for example, test connection from plugins. Returns ------- str "pong" ''' return 'pong'
[docs] def on_query_recv(self, msg_frames): ''' Process multi-part message from query socket. This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a :obj:`zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream` configuration. See `here`_ for more details. Parameters ---------- msg_frames : list Multi-part ZeroMQ message. .. _`here`: ''' # Publish raw message frames to *publish* socket. try: # Decode message from first (and only expected) frame. request = json.loads(msg_frames[0]) # Validate message against schema. validate(request) except jsonschema.ValidationError: self.logger.error('unexpected request', exc_info=True) self.reset_query_socket() try: self.publish_socket.send_multipart(map(str, [request['header']['source'], request['header']['target'], request['header'] ['msg_type'], msg_frames[0]])) message_type = request['header']['msg_type'] if message_type == 'connect_request': reply = self._process__connect_request(request) elif message_type == 'execute_request': reply = self._process__execute_request(request) else: raise RuntimeError('Unrecognized message type: %s' % message_type) reply['header']['source'] = reply_json = json.dumps(reply) self.query_send(reply_json) self.publish_socket.send_multipart(map(str, [reply['header']['source'], reply['header']['target'], reply['header'] ['msg_type'], reply_json])) except: self.logger.error('Error processing request.', exc_info=True) self.reset_query_socket()
[docs] def on_command_recv(self, msg_frames): ''' Process multi-part message from *command* socket. Only ``execute_request`` and ``execute_reply`` messages are expected. Messages are expected under the following scenarios: 1. A plugin submitting an execution request or reply to another plugin. 2. A plugin submitting an execution request or reply to the **hub**. In case 1, the ``source`` and ``target`` in the message header **MUST** both be present in the local registry (i.e., :attr:`registry`). In case 2, the ``source`` in the message header **MUST** be present in the local registry (i.e., :attr:`registry`) and the ``target`` **MUST** be equal to :attr:`name`. This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a :obj:`zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream(...)` configuration. See `here`_ for more details. Parameters ---------- msg_frames : list Multi-part ZeroMQ message. .. _`here`: ''' try: source, null, message_str = msg_frames except: self.logger.error('Unexpected message', exc_info=True) return try: # Decode message from first (and only expected) frame. message = json.loads(message_str, encoding='utf-8') # Validate message against schema. validate(message) except jsonschema.ValidationError: self.logger.error('Unexpected message', exc_info=True) return except UnicodeDecodeError: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return # Message has been validated. Verify message source matches header. try: if not message['header']['source'] == source: raise NameError('Message source (%s) does not header source ' 'field (%s).' % (source, message['header']['source'])) except: self.logger.error('Source mismatch.', exc_info=True) return # Determine whether target is another plugin or the **hub** and process # message accordingly. target = message['header']['target'] if source in self.registry and target in self.registry: # Both *source* and *target* are present in the local registry. # Forward message to *target* plugin. self._process__forwarding_command_message(message) elif (source in self.registry and target == # Message *source* is in the local registry and *target* is # **hub**. self._process__local_command_message(message) else: error_msg = ('Unsupported source(%s)/target(%s) ' 'configuration. Either source and target both ' 'present in the local registry, or the source ' '**MUST** be a plugin in the local registry and ' 'the target **MUST** be the **hub**.' % (source, target)) if ((message['header']['msg_type'] == 'execute_request') and not message['content'].get('silent')): # Send error response to source of execution request. reply = get_execute_reply(message,, error=IndexError(error_msg)) self._send_command_message(reply)
def _send_command_message(self, message): ''' Serialize message to json and send to target over command socket. Parameters ---------- message : dict Message to send. Returns ------- str Message serialized as json. Can be used, for example, to broadcast message over publish socket. ''' message_json = json.dumps(message) msg_frames = map(str, [message['header']['target'], '', message_json]) self.command_socket.send_multipart(msg_frames) return message_json def _process__forwarding_command_message(self, message): ''' Process validated message from *command* socket, which is addressed from one plugin to another. In addition to forwarding the message to the *target* plugin through the *command* socket, the message **MUST** be published to the *publish* socket. Parameters ---------- message : dict Message to forward to *target*. ''' message_json = self._send_command_message(message) if 'content' in message and not message['content'].get('silent'): msg_frames = [message['header']['source'], message['header']['target'], message['header']['msg_type'], message_json] self.publish_socket.send_multipart(map(str, msg_frames)) def _process__local_command_message(self, message): ''' Process validated message from *command* socket, where the **hub** is either the *source* or the *target* (not both). In addition to sending reply to the *target* plugin through the *command* socket, the message *MUST* be published to the *publish* socket. Parameters ---------- message : dict Message to forward to *target*. ''' message_json = json.dumps(message) if 'content' in message and not message['content'].get('silent'): msg_frames = [message['header']['source'], message['header']['target'], message['header']['msg_type'], message_json] self.publish_socket.send_multipart(map(str, msg_frames)) message_type = message['header']['msg_type'] if message_type == 'execute_request': reply = self._process__execute_request(message) reply_json = self._send_command_message(reply) if not message['content'].get('silent'): msg_frames = [reply['header']['source'], reply['header']['target'], reply['header']['msg_type'], reply_json] self.publish_socket.send_multipart(map(str, msg_frames)) elif message_type == 'execute_reply': self._process__execute_reply(message) else: self.logger.error('Unrecognized message type: %s', message_type) def _process__connect_request(self, request): ''' Process validated `connect_request` message, where the source field of the header is used to add the plugin to the registry. Parameters ---------- request : dict ``connect_request`` message Returns ------- dict ``connect_reply`` message. ''' source = request['header']['source'] # Add name of client to registry. self.registry[source] = source # Send list of registered clients. socket_info = {'command': {'uri': self.command_uri, 'port': self.command_port, 'name':}, 'publish': {'uri': self.publish_uri, 'port': self.publish_port}} reply = get_connect_reply(request, content=socket_info) return validate(reply) def _process__execute_request(self, request): ''' Process validated `execute_request` message, which includes the name of the command to execute. If a method with the name `on_execute__<command>` exists, call the method on the `request` and send the return value wrapped in an `execute_reply` message to the source of the request. If the no matching method exists or if an exception is encountered while processing the command, send `execute_reply` message with corresponding error information to the source of the request. Parameters ---------- request : dict ``execute_request`` message Returns ------- dict ``execute_reply`` message. ''' try: func = getattr(self, 'on_execute__' + request['content']['command'], None) if func is None: error = NameError('Unrecognized command: %s' % request['content']['command']) reply = get_execute_reply(request,, error=error) else: result = func(request) reply = get_execute_reply(request,, data=result) return validate(reply) except (Exception, ), exception: return get_execute_reply(request,, error=exception) def _process__execute_reply(self, reply): ''' Process validated `execute_reply` message. If a callback function was registered during the execution request call the callback function on the reply message. Parameters ---------- reply : dict ``execute_reply`` message ''' try: session = reply['header']['session'] if session in self.callbacks: # A callback was registered for the corresponding request. # Call callback with reply. func = self.callbacks[session] func(reply) else: # No callback registered for session. pass except: self.logger.error('Processing error.', exc_info=True)