zmq_plugin Package

hub Module

class zmq_plugin.hub.Hub(query_uri, name='hub')[source]

Bases: object

Central hub to connect a network of plugin instances.



All socket configuration, registration, etc. is performed only when the reset method is called explicitly. Thus, all sockets are created in the thread that calls the reset method.

By creating sockets in the thread the calls reset, it is straightforward to, for example, run a Plugin in a separate process or thread.

  • query_uri (str) –

    The URI address of the hub query socket.

    Plugins connect to the query socket to register and query information about other sockets.

  • name (str) – Unique name across all plugins.

zmq.Socket – Plugins send command requests to the command socket.


str – The URI address of the command socket.

Command URI is determined at time of binding (bound to random port).


str – Host name or IP address.


str – Hub name (MUST be unique across all plugins).


zmq.Socket – Hub broadcasts messages to plugins over the publish socket.


str – The URI address of the publish socket.

Publish URI is determined at time of binding (bound to random port).


zmq.Socket – Plugins connect to the query socket to register and query information about other sockets.


str – The URI address of the query socket.


OrderedDict – Registry of connected plugins.


str – Transport (e.g., “tcp”, “inproc”).


logger logging.Logger – Class-specific logger.


on_command_recv(msg_frames) Process multi-part message from command socket.
on_execute__ping(request) Send “pong” response to requesting plugin.
on_execute__register(request) Add name of client to registry and respond with registry contents.
on_query_recv(msg_frames) Process multi-part message from query socket.
query_send(message) Send message to query socket.
reset() Reset the plugin state.
reset_command_socket() Create and configure command socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
reset_publish_socket() Create and configure publish socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
reset_query_socket() Create and configure query socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).

logging.Logger – Class-specific logger.

Logger configured with a name in the following form:


Process multi-part message from command socket.

Only execute_request and execute_reply messages are expected.

Messages are expected under the following scenarios:

  1. A plugin submitting an execution request or reply to another plugin.
  2. A plugin submitting an execution request or reply to the hub.

In case 1, the source and target in the message header MUST both be present in the local registry (i.e., registry).

In case 2, the source in the message header MUST be present in the local registry (i.e., registry) and the target MUST be equal to name.

This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream(...) configuration.

See here for more details.

Parameters:msg_frames (list) – Multi-part ZeroMQ message.

Send “pong” response to requesting plugin.

Useful to, for example, test connection from plugins.

Return type:str

Add name of client to registry and respond with registry contents.

Returns:Registry contents.
Return type:OrderedDict

Process multi-part message from query socket.

This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream configuration.

See here for more details.

Parameters:msg_frames (list) – Multi-part ZeroMQ message.

Send message to query socket.

Parameters:message (str) – Encoded json reply.

Reset the plugin state.

This includes:

  • Resetting the execute reply identifier counter.
  • Resetting the publish, query, and command sockets.

Create and configure command socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).


Create and configure publish socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).


Create and configure query socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).

plugin Module

class zmq_plugin.plugin.Plugin(name, query_uri, subscribe_options=None)[source]

Bases: zmq_plugin.plugin.PluginBase


logger Return logger configured with a name in the following form – <module_name>.<class_name>.<method_name>->”<>”


close() Close all sockets.
execute(target_name, command[, timeout_s, ...]) Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target and return decoded result object.
execute_async(target_name, command[, ...]) Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target.
on_command_recv(frames) Process multi-part message from command socket.
on_subscribe_recv(msg_frames) Process multi-part message from subscribe socket.
query(request, **kwargs) Send request message to hub, receive response, and return decoded reply message.
register() Register as a plugin with the central hub.
reset() Reset the plugin state.
reset_command_socket() Create and configure command_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
reset_query_socket() Create and configure query_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
reset_subscribe_socket() Create and configure subscribe_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
send_command(request) Send command message request through hub.
class zmq_plugin.plugin.PluginBase(name, query_uri, subscribe_options=None)[source]

Bases: object

Plugin which can be connected to a network of other plugin instances through a central hub (i.e., zmq_plugin.hub.Hub).



All socket configuration, registration, etc. is performed only when the reset method is called explicitly. Thus, all sockets are created in the thread that calls the reset method.

By creating sockets in the thread the calls reset, it is straightforward to, for example, run a Plugin in a separate process or thread.

  • name (str) – Unique name across all plugins.
  • query_uri (str) – The URI address of the hub query socket.
  • subscribe_options (dict, optional) – See subscribe_options.

OrderedDict – Registry of functions to call upon receiving execute_reply messages, keyed by the session field of the execute_request/execute_reply header.


zmq.Socket – Used to send command requests to the hub command socket.


itertools.count – Reply message count iterator.

Increments by one each time a reply message is sent.


str – Host name or IP address.


str – Name of hub.


zmq.Socket – Connects to the hub query socket to register and query information about other sockets on the hub.


str – The URI address of the query socket.


dict – Each (key, value) item in dictionary is applied to subscribe_socket using the setsockopt() method.

This is useful, for instance, to set the subscription filter.


zmq.Socket – Hub broadcasts messages to all plugins over the publish socket.


str – Transport (e.g., “tcp”, “inproc”).


logger Return logger configured with a name in the following form – <module_name>.<class_name>.<method_name>->”<>”


close() Close all sockets.
execute(target_name, command[, timeout_s, ...]) Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target and return decoded result object.
execute_async(target_name, command[, ...]) Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target.
on_command_recv(frames) Process multi-part message from command socket.
on_subscribe_recv(msg_frames) Process multi-part message from subscribe socket.
query(request, **kwargs) Send request message to hub, receive response, and return decoded reply message.
register() Register as a plugin with the central hub.
reset() Reset the plugin state.
reset_command_socket() Create and configure command_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
reset_query_socket() Create and configure query_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
reset_subscribe_socket() Create and configure subscribe_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).
send_command(request) Send command message request through hub.

Close all sockets.

execute(target_name, command, timeout_s=None, wait_func=None, silent=False, extra_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target and return decoded result object.

N.B., this method blocking, i.e., it waits for a response. See execute_async method for non-blocking variant with callback argument.

  • target_name (str) – Name (i.e., ZeroMQ identity) of the target.
  • command (str) – Name of command to execute.
  • timeout_s (float, optional) – If timeout_s is set, IOError is raised if response is not received within timeout_s seconds.
  • wait_func (function, optional) –

    If wait_func is set, the wait_func function is called repeatedly until response is received.

    This is useful to prevent execute() from completely blocking thread execution.

  • silent (bool, optional) –

    A boolean flag which, if True, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible.

    If silent is set to True, reply will not broadcast output on the IOPUB channel.

  • extra_kwargs (dict) –

    Extra keyword arguments to be passed to command.

    Useful to, for example, include keyword arguments whose name conflict with arguments of execute_async()/execute().

  • **kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for command.

Result from remotely executed command.

Return type:


See also


execute_async(target_name, command, callback=None, silent=False, extra_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target.

N.B., this method is non-blocking, i.e., it does not wait for a response. For a blocking wrapper around this method, see execute method below.

  • target_name (str) – Name (i.e., ZeroMQ identity) of the target.
  • command (str) – Name of command to execute.
  • callback (function, optional) –

    Function to call on received response.

    Callback signature is callback_func(reply), where reply is an execute_reply message.

    Callback is added to callbacks, keyed by session identifier of request.

  • silent (bool, optional) –

    A boolean flag which, if True, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible.

    If silent is set to True, reply will not broadcast output on the IOPUB channel.

  • extra_kwargs (dict) –

    Extra keyword arguments to be passed to command.

    Useful to, for example, include keyword arguments whose name conflict with arguments of execute_async()/execute().

  • **kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for command.

Session identifier for request.

Return type:


See also



Return logger configured with a name in the following form – <module_name>.<class_name>.<method_name>->”<>”


Process multi-part message from command socket.

This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream configuration.

See here for more details.

Parameters:msg_frames (list) – Multi-part ZeroMQ message.

Process multi-part message from subscribe socket.

This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream configuration.

See here for more details.

Parameters:msg_frames (list) – Multi-part ZeroMQ message.
query(request, **kwargs)[source]

Send request message to hub, receive response, and return decoded reply message.

Parameters:dict (request) – <...>_request message.

Register as a plugin with the central hub.

Registration also updates the local plugin registry, which contains the name of all plugins registered with the hub at the time of registration.

Note that this method is safe to execute multiple times. This provides a mechanism to refresh the local plugin registry.


Reset the plugin state.

This includes:


Create and configure command_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).


Create and configure query_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).


Create and configure subscribe_socket socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists).


Send command message request through hub.

Parameters:request (dict) – Command request message.

schema Module


dict – ZeroMQ Plugin message format as json-schema (inspired by IPython messaging format).

See here for information on content transfer encodings.

class zmq_plugin.schema.PandasJsonEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None)[source]

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder


>>> data = pd.Series(range(10))
>>> df_data = pd.DataFrame([data.copy() for i in xrange(5)])
>>> combined_dump = json.dumps([df_data, data], cls=PandasJsonEncoder)
>>> loaded = json.loads(combined_dump, object_hook=pandas_object_hook)
>>> assert(loaded[0].equals(df_data))
>>> assert(loaded[1].equals(data))


encode(o) Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.
iterencode(o[, _one_shot]) Encode the given object and yield each string representation as available.

Validate message and decode data from content according to mime-type.

Parameters:message (dict) – One of the message types defined in MESSAGE_SCHEMA.
Returns:Return deserialized object from content['data'] field of message.
Return type:object
Raises:RuntimeError – If content['error'] field is set.
zmq_plugin.schema.encode_content_data(data, mime_type='application/python-pickle', transfer_encoding='BASE64')[source]
zmq_plugin.schema.get_connect_reply(request, content)[source]

Construct a connect_reply message.

  • request (dict) – The connect_request message corresponding to the reply.
  • content (dict) – The content of the reply.

A connect_reply message.

Return type:


zmq_plugin.schema.get_connect_request(source, target)[source]

Construct a connect_request message.

  • source (str) – Source name/ZMQ identifier.
  • target (str) – Target name/ZMQ identifier.

A connect_request message.

Return type:


zmq_plugin.schema.get_execute_reply(request, execution_count, status='ok', error=None, data=None, mime_type='application/python-pickle', transfer_encoding='BASE64', silent=None)[source]

Construct an execute_reply message.

  • request (dict) – The execute_request message corresponding to the reply.
  • execution_count (int) – The number execution requests processed by plugin, including the request corresponding to the reply.
  • status (str, optional) – One of ‘ok’, ‘error’, ‘abort’.
  • error (exception, optional) – Exception encountered during processing of request (if applicable).
  • data (dict, optional) – Result data.
  • mime_type (dict, optional) –

    Mime-type of requested data serialization format.

    By default, data is serialized using :module:`pickle`.

  • transfer_encoding (str, optional) – If BASE64, encode binary payload as base 64 string.
  • silent (bool, optional) – A boolean flag which, if True, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible. If silent=True, reply will not broadcast output on the IOPUB channel. If None, silent setting from request will be used.

An execute_reply message.

Return type:


zmq_plugin.schema.get_execute_request(source, target, command, data=None, mime_type='application/python-pickle', transfer_encoding='BASE64', silent=False, stop_on_error=False)[source]

Construct an execute_request message.

  • source (str) – Source name/ZMQ identifier.
  • target (str) – Target name/ZMQ identifier.
  • command (str) – Name of command to execute.
  • data (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments to command.
  • mime_type (dict, optional) –

    Mime-type of requested data serialization format.

    By default, data is serialized using :module:`pickle`.

  • silent (bool, optional) – A boolean flag which, if True, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible. If silent=True, reply will not broadcast output on the IOPUB channel.
  • stop_on_error (bool, optional) – A boolean flag, which, if False, does not abort the execution queue, if an exception is encountered. This allows the queued execution of multiple execute_request messages, even if they generate exceptions.

An execute_request message.

Return type:


zmq_plugin.schema.get_header(source, target, message_type, session=None)[source]

Construct message header.

  • source (str) – Source name/ZMQ identifier.
  • target (str) – Target name/ZMQ identifier.
  • message_type (str) – Type of message, one of 'connect_request', 'connect_reply', 'execute_request', 'execute_reply'.
  • session (str, optional) – Unique session identifier (automatically created if not provided).

Message header including unique message identifier and timestamp.

Return type:



Decorator to specify mime type of return type.

The mime_type attribute of the function is set accordingly.



>>> data = pd.Series(range(10))
>>> df_data = pd.DataFrame([data.copy() for i in xrange(5)])
>>> combined_dump = json.dumps([df_data, data], cls=PandasJsonEncoder)
>>> loaded = json.loads(combined_dump, object_hook=pandas_object_hook)
>>> assert(loaded[0].equals(df_data))
>>> assert(loaded[1].equals(data))

Validate message against message types defined in MESSAGE_SCHEMA.

Parameters:message (dict) – One of the message types defined in MESSAGE_SCHEMA.
Returns:Message. A jsonschema.ValidationError is raised if validation fails.
Return type:dict