Source code for zmq_plugin.plugin

# coding: utf-8
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pformat
import cPickle as pickle
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import logging
import re

import jsonschema
import zmq

from .schema import (validate, get_connect_request, get_execute_request,
                     get_execute_reply, decode_content_data, mime_type)

# Create module-level logger.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PluginBase(object): ''' Plugin which can be connected to a network of other plugin instances through a central **hub** (i.e., :class:`zmq_plugin.hub.Hub`). Note ---- **Thread-safety** All socket configuration, registration, etc. is performed *only* when the `reset` method is called explicitly. Thus, all sockets are created in the thread that calls the `reset` method. By creating sockets in the thread the calls `reset`, it is straightforward to, for example, run a `Plugin` in a separate process or thread. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name across all plugins. query_uri : str The URI address of the **hub** query socket. subscribe_options : dict, optional See :data:`subscribe_options`. Attributes ---------- callbacks : OrderedDict Registry of functions to call upon receiving ``execute_reply`` messages, keyed by the ``session`` field of the ``execute_request``/``execute_reply`` header. command_socket : zmq.Socket Used to send command requests to the **hub** command socket. execute_reply_id : itertools.count Reply message count iterator. Increments by one each time a reply message is sent. host : str Host name or IP address. hub_name : str Name of hub. query_socket : zmq.Socket Connects to the **hub** query socket to register and query information about other sockets on the **hub**. query_uri : str The URI address of the query socket. subscribe_options : dict Each ``(key, value)`` item in dictionary is applied to :attr:`subscribe_socket` using the :meth:`setsockopt` method. This is useful, for instance, to set the subscription filter. subscribe_socket : zmq.Socket Hub broadcasts messages to all plugins over the publish socket. transport : str Transport (e.g., "tcp", "inproc"). ''' def __init__(self, name, query_uri, subscribe_options=None): = name host_cre = re.compile(r'^(?P<transport>[^:]+)://' r'(?P<host>[^:]+)' r'(:(?P<port>\d+)?)') match = self.transport ='transport') ='host') self.hub_name = 'hub' self.query_uri = query_uri self.query_socket = None self.command_socket = None self.subscribe_options = subscribe_options or {} self.subscribe_socket = None self.execute_reply_id = itertools.count(1) # Registry of functions to call upon receiving `execute_reply` # messages, keyed by the `session` field of the # `execute_request`/`execute_reply` header. self.callbacks = OrderedDict()
[docs] def close(self): ''' Close all sockets. ''' for socket in (self.query_socket, self.command_socket, self.subscribe_socket): if socket is not None: socket.close()
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the plugin state. This includes: - Resetting the execute reply identifier counter. - Resetting the :attr:`command_socket`, :attr:`query_socket`, and :attr:`subscribe_socket` sockets. - Registering with the central **hub**. ''' self.execute_reply_id = itertools.count(1) self.reset_query_socket() # Get socket info and **hub** name. connect_request = get_connect_request(, self.hub_name) reply = self.query(connect_request) self.hub_name = bytes(reply['header']['source']) self.hub_socket_info = reply['content'] # Initialize sockets using obtained socket info. self.reset_subscribe_socket() self.reset_command_socket() # Explicitly register with the **hub** and retrieve plugin registry. self.register()
[docs] def register(self): ''' Register as a plugin with the central **hub**. Registration also updates the local plugin registry, which contains the name of all plugins registered with the **hub** at the time of registration. Note that this method is safe to execute multiple times. This provides a mechanism to refresh the local plugin registry. ''' connect_request = get_execute_request(, self.hub_name, 'register') reply = self.query(connect_request) self.plugin_registry = decode_content_data(reply)'Registered with hub at "%s"', self.query_uri)
########################################################################### # Query socket methods
[docs] def reset_query_socket(self): ''' Create and configure :attr:`query_socket` socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists). ''' context = zmq.Context.instance() if self.query_socket is not None: self.query_socket = None self.query_socket = zmq.Socket(context, zmq.REQ) self.query_socket.connect(self.query_uri)
[docs] def query(self, request, **kwargs): ''' Send request message to **hub**, receive response, and return decoded reply message. Parameters ---------- request dict ``<...>_request`` message. ''' try: self.query_socket.send(json.dumps(request)) reply = json.loads(self.query_socket.recv(**kwargs)) validate(reply) return reply except: self.logger.error('Query error', exc_info=True) self.reset_query_socket() raise
@property def logger(self): ''' Return logger configured with a name in the following form: <module_name>.<class_name>.<method_name>->"<>" ''' return logging.getLogger('.'.join((__name__, str(type(self).__name__), inspect.stack()[1][3])) + '->"%s"' % ########################################################################### # Command socket methods
[docs] def reset_command_socket(self): ''' Create and configure :attr:`command_socket` socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists). ''' context = zmq.Context.instance() if self.command_socket is not None: self.command_socket = None # Create command socket and assign name as identity. self.command_socket = zmq.Socket(context, zmq.ROUTER) self.command_socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, bytes( command_uri = '%s://%s:%s' % (self.transport,, self.hub_socket_info['command']['port']) self.command_socket.connect(command_uri)'Connected command socket to "%s"', command_uri)
[docs] def send_command(self, request): ''' Send command message request through **hub**. Parameters ---------- request : dict Command request message. ''' self.command_socket.send_multipart(map(str, [self.hub_name, '', json.dumps(request)]))
[docs] def on_command_recv(self, frames): ''' Process multi-part message from command socket. This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a :class:`zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream` configuration. See `here`_ for more details. Parameters ---------- msg_frames : list Multi-part ZeroMQ message. .. _`here`: ''' try: message_str = frames[-1] message = json.loads(message_str) validate(message) except jsonschema.ValidationError: self.logger.error('unexpected message', exc_info=True) message_type = message['header']['msg_type'] if message_type == 'execute_request': self._process__execute_request(message) elif message_type == 'execute_reply': self._process__execute_reply(message) else: self.logger.error('Unrecognized message type: %s', message_type)
def _process__execute_reply(self, reply): ''' Process validated `execute_reply` message. If a callback function was registered during the execution request call the callback function on the reply message. Args: reply (dict) : `execute_reply` message Returns: None ''' try: session = reply['header']['session'] if session in self.callbacks: # A callback was registered for the corresponding request. func = self.callbacks[session] # Remove callback. del self.callbacks[session] # Call callback with reply. func(reply) else: # No callback registered for session. pass except: self.logger.error('Processing error.', exc_info=True) def _process__execute_request(self, request): ''' Process validated `execute_request` message, which includes the name of the command to execute. If a method with the name `on_execute__<command>` exists, call the method on the `request` and send the return value wrapped in an `execute_reply` message to the source of the request. If the no matching method exists or if an exception is encountered while processing the command, send `execute_reply` message with corresponding error information to the source of the request. Args: reply (dict) : `execute_request` message Returns: None ''' try: func = getattr(self, 'on_execute__' + request['content']['command'], None) if func is None: data = None error = NameError('Unrecognized command: %s' % request['content']['command']) mime_type = None else: data = func(request) # If no `mime_type` was specified, pickle data. mime_type = getattr(func, 'mime_type', 'application/python-pickle') error = None reply = get_execute_reply(request,, data=data, error=error, mime_type=mime_type) validate(reply) reply_str = json.dumps(reply) except (Exception, ), exception: import traceback reply = get_execute_reply(request,, error=traceback.format_exc()) #error=exception) reply_str = json.dumps(reply) self.command_socket.send_multipart([self.hub_name, '', reply_str]) ########################################################################### # Subscribe socket methods
[docs] def reset_subscribe_socket(self): ''' Create and configure :attr:`subscribe_socket` socket (existing socket is destroyed if it exists). ''' context = zmq.Context.instance() if self.subscribe_socket is not None: self.subscribe_socket = None # Create subscribe socket and assign name as identity. self.subscribe_socket = zmq.Socket(context, zmq.SUB) if self.subscribe_options: for k, v in self.subscribe_options.iteritems(): self.subscribe_socket.setsockopt(k, v) print 'set sock opt', k, v subscribe_uri = '%s://%s:%s' % (self.transport,, self.hub_socket_info['publish'] ['port']) self.subscribe_socket.connect(subscribe_uri)'Connected subscribe socket to "%s"', subscribe_uri)
[docs] def on_subscribe_recv(self, msg_frames): ''' Process multi-part message from subscribe socket. This method may, for example, be called asynchronously as a callback in run loop through a :obj:`zmq.eventloop.ZMQStream` configuration. See `here`_ for more details. Parameters ---------- msg_frames : list Multi-part ZeroMQ message. .. _`here`: ''' try:[0]))) except: logger.error('Deserialization error', exc_info=True)
########################################################################### # Execute methods
[docs] def execute_async(self, target_name, command, callback=None, silent=False, extra_kwargs=None, **kwargs): ''' Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target. **N.B.,** this method is non-blocking, i.e., it does not wait for a response. For a blocking wrapper around this method, see `execute` method below. Parameters ---------- target_name : str Name (i.e., ZeroMQ identity) of the target. command : str Name of command to execute. callback : function, optional Function to call on received response. Callback signature is ``callback_func(reply)``, where ``reply`` is an ``execute_reply`` message. Callback is added to :attr:`callbacks`, keyed by session identifier of request. silent : bool, optional A boolean flag which, if ``True``, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible. If :data:`silent` is set to ``True``, reply will *not* broadcast output on the IOPUB channel. extra_kwargs : dict Extra keyword arguments to be passed to command. Useful to, for example, include keyword arguments whose name conflict with arguments of :meth:`execute_async`/:meth:`execute`. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for command. Returns ------- str Session identifier for request. See also -------- :meth:`execute` ''' if extra_kwargs is not None: kwargs.update(extra_kwargs) request = get_execute_request(, target_name, command, data=kwargs, silent=silent) if callback is not None: self.callbacks[request['header']['session']] = callback self.send_command(request) return request['header']['session']
[docs] def execute(self, target_name, command, timeout_s=None, wait_func=None, silent=False, extra_kwargs=None, **kwargs): ''' Send request to execute the specified command to the identified target and return decoded result object. **N.B.,** this method blocking, i.e., it waits for a response. See `execute_async` method for non-blocking variant with `callback` argument. Parameters ---------- target_name : str Name (i.e., ZeroMQ identity) of the target. command : str Name of command to execute. timeout_s : float, optional If :data:`timeout_s` is set, :class:`IOError` is raised if response is not received within :data:`timeout_s` seconds. wait_func : function, optional If :data:`wait_func` is set, the :data:`wait_func` function is called repeatedly until response is received. This is useful to prevent :meth:`execute` from completely blocking thread execution. silent : bool, optional A boolean flag which, if ``True``, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible. If :data:`silent` is set to ``True``, reply will *not* broadcast output on the IOPUB channel. extra_kwargs : dict Extra keyword arguments to be passed to command. Useful to, for example, include keyword arguments whose name conflict with arguments of :meth:`execute_async`/:meth:`execute`. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for command. Returns ------- object Result from remotely executed command. See also -------- :meth:`execute_async` ''' # Create result object that will be updated when response is received. result = {} def _callback(reply): try: result['data'] = decode_content_data(reply) except (Exception, ), exception: result['error'] = exception session = self.execute_async(target_name, command, callback=_callback, silent=silent, extra_kwargs=extra_kwargs, **kwargs) start = while session in self.callbacks: try: msg_frames = self.command_socket.recv_multipart(zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.Again: wait_duration_s = ( - start).total_seconds() if timeout_s is not None and (wait_duration_s > timeout_s): raise IOError('Timed out waiting for response for request ' '(session="%s")' % session) if wait_func is not None: wait_func(wait_duration_s) continue self.on_command_recv(msg_frames) if 'error' in result: raise result['error'] return result['data']
[docs]class Plugin(PluginBase): @mime_type('text/plain')
[docs] def on_execute__ping(self, request): return 'pong'