Source code for zmq_plugin.schema

    ZeroMQ Plugin message format as `json-schema`_ (inspired by `IPython
    messaging format`_).

    `See here`_ for information on content transfer encodings.

.. _`json-schema`:
.. _`IPython messaging format`:
.. _`See here`:
import base64
import cPickle as pickle
import copy
import json
import uuid

import arrow
import jsonschema
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml

# ZeroMQ Plugin message format as [json-schema][1] (inspired by
# [IPython messaging format][2]).
# See [here][3] for information on content transfer encodings.
# [1]:
# [2]:
# [3]:
    {'unique_id': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Typically UUID'},
     'header' :
     {'type': 'object',
      {'msg_id': {'$ref': '#/definitions/unique_id',
                  'Typically UUID, should be unique per message'},
       'session' :  {'$ref': '#/definitions/unique_id',
                     'Typically UUID, should be unique per session'},
       'date': {'type': 'string',
                'ISO 8601 timestamp for when the message is created'},
       'source': {'type': 'string',
                  'description': 'Name/identifier of message source (unique '
                  'across all plugins)'},
       'target': {'type': 'string',
                  'description': 'Name/identifier of message target (unique '
                  'across all plugins)'},
       'msg_type' : {'type': 'string',
                     'enum': ['connect_request', 'connect_reply',
                              'execute_request', 'execute_reply'],
                     'description': 'All recognized message type strings.'},
       'version' : {'type': 'string',
                    'default': '0.5',
                    'enum': ['0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5'],
                    'description': 'The message protocol version'}},
      'required': ['msg_id', 'session', 'date', 'source', 'target', 'msg_type',
     {'description': 'ZeroMQ Plugin message format as json-schema (inspired '
      'by IPython messaging format)',
      'type': 'object',
      {'header': {'$ref': '#/definitions/header'},
        'In a chain of messages, the header from the parent is copied so that '
        'clients can track where messages come from.',
        '$ref': '#/definitions/header'},
       'metadata': {'type': 'object',
                    'description': 'Any metadata associated with the message.',
                    'properties': {'transfer_encoding':
                                   {'type': 'string',
                                    'default': '8bit'}}},
       'content': {'type': 'object',
                   'description': 'The actual content of the message must be a '
                   'dict, whose structure depends on the message type.'}},
      'required': ['header']},
    {'description': 'Request to perform an execution request.',
     'allOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/base_message'},
                 {'type': 'object',
                  {'command': {'description':
                               'Command to be executed by the target',
                               'type': 'string'},
                   'data': {'description': 'The execution arguments.'},
                   'metadata': {'type': 'object',
                                'description': 'Contains any metadata that '
                                'describes the output.'},
                   'silent': {'type': 'boolean',
                              'description': 'A boolean flag which, if True, '
                              'signals the plugin to execute this code as '
                              'quietly as possible. silent=True will *not* '
                              'broadcast output on the IOPUB channel.',
                              'default': False},
                   {'type': 'boolean',
                    'description': 'A boolean flag, which, if True, does not '
                    'abort the execution queue, if an exception is '
                    'encountered. This allows the queued execution of multiple'
                    ' execute_requests, even if they generate exceptions.',
                    'default': False}},
                  'required': ['command']}}}]},
     {'ename': {'type': 'string',
                'description': "Exception name, as a string"},
      'evalue': {'type': 'string',
                 'description': "Exception value, as a string"},
      'traceback': {"type": "array",
                    "The traceback will contain a list of frames, represented "
                    "each as a string."}},
     'required': ['ename']},
    {'description': 'Response from an execution request.',
     'allOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/base_message'},
                 {'type': 'object',
                  {'command': {'description': 'Command executed',
                               'type': 'string'},
                   'status': {'type': 'string',
                              'enum': ['ok', 'error', 'abort']},
                   {'type': 'number',
                    'description': 'The execution counter that increases by one'
                    ' with each request.'},
                   'data': {'description': 'The execution result.'},
                   'metadata': {'type': 'object',
                                'description': 'Contains any metadata that '
                                'describes the output.'},
                   'silent': {'type': 'boolean',
                              'description': 'A boolean flag which, if True, '
                              'signals the plugin to execute this code as '
                              'quietly as possible. silent=True will *not* '
                              'broadcast output on the IOPUB channel.',
                              'default': False},
                   'error': {'$ref': '#/definitions/error'}},
                  'required': ['command', 'status', 'execution_count']}}}],
     'required': ['content']},
    {'description': 'Request to get basic information about the plugin hub, '
     'such as the ports the other ZeroMQ sockets are listening on.',
     'allOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/base_message'}]},
    {'description': 'Basic information about the plugin hub.',
     'allOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/base_message'},
                 {'type': 'object',
                  {'command': {'type': 'object',
                               'description': 'Command socket information.',
                               'properties': {'uri': {'type': 'string'},
                                              'port': {'type': 'number'},
                                              'name': {'type': 'string'}},
                               'required': ['uri', 'port', 'name']},
                   'publish': {'type': 'object',
                               'description': 'Publish socket information.',
                               'properties': {'uri': {'type': 'string'},
                                              'port': {'type': 'number'}},
                               'required': ['uri', 'port']}},
                  'required': ['command', 'publish']}}}],
     'required': ['content', 'parent_header']}

[docs]def get_schema(definition): schema = copy.deepcopy(MESSAGE_SCHEMA) schema['allOf'] = [{'$ref': '#/definitions/%s' % definition}] return schema
message_types = (['base_message'] + MESSAGE_SCHEMA['definitions']['header'] ['properties']['msg_type']['enum']) MESSAGE_SCHEMAS = dict([(k, get_schema(k)) for k in message_types]) # Pre-construct a validator for each message type. MESSAGE_VALIDATORS = dict([(k, jsonschema.Draft4Validator(v)) for k, v in MESSAGE_SCHEMAS.iteritems()])
[docs]def validate(message): ''' Validate message against message types defined in :data:`MESSAGE_SCHEMA`. Parameters ---------- message : dict One of the message types defined in :data:`MESSAGE_SCHEMA`. Returns ------- dict Message. A :class:`jsonschema.ValidationError` is raised if validation fails. ''' MESSAGE_VALIDATORS['base_message'].validate(message) # Message validated as a basic message. Now validate as specific type. msg_type = message['header']['msg_type'] MESSAGE_VALIDATORS[msg_type].validate(message) return message
[docs]def decode_content_data(message): ''' Validate message and decode data from content according to mime-type. Parameters ---------- message : dict One of the message types defined in :data:`MESSAGE_SCHEMA`. Returns ------- object Return deserialized object from ``content['data']`` field of message. Raises ------ RuntimeError If ``content['error']`` field is set. ''' validate(message) error = message['content'].get('error', None) if error is not None: raise RuntimeError(error) mime_type = 'application/python-pickle' transfer_encoding = 'BASE64' metadata = message['content'].get('metadata', None) if metadata is not None: mime_type = metadata.get('mime_type', mime_type) transfer_encoding = metadata.get('transfer_encoding', transfer_encoding) data = message['content'].get('data', None) if data is None: return None # If content data was base64 encoded, decode it. # # [1]: if transfer_encoding == 'BASE64': data = base64.b64decode(data) if mime_type == 'application/python-pickle': # Pickle object. return pickle.loads(data) elif mime_type == 'application/x-yaml': return yaml.loads(data) elif mime_type == 'application/json': return json.loads(data) elif mime_type in ('application/octet-stream', 'text/plain'): return data else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized mime-type: %s' % mime_type)
[docs]def encode_content_data(data, mime_type='application/python-pickle', transfer_encoding='BASE64'): content = {} if data is not None: if mime_type == 'application/python-pickle': # Pickle object. content['data'] = pickle.dumps(data, protocol=-1) elif mime_type == 'application/x-yaml': content['data'] = yaml.dumps(data) elif mime_type is None or mime_type in ('application/octet-stream', 'application/json', 'text/plain'): content['data'] = data # Encode content data as base64, if necessary. # # [1]: if transfer_encoding == 'BASE64': content['data'] = base64.b64encode(content['data']) if mime_type is not None: content['metadata'] = {'mime_type': mime_type} return content
[docs]def get_header(source, target, message_type, session=None): ''' Construct message header. Parameters ---------- source : str Source name/ZMQ identifier. target : str Target name/ZMQ identifier. message_type : str Type of message, one of ``'connect_request'``, ``'connect_reply'``, ``'execute_request'``, ``'execute_reply'``. session : str, optional Unique session identifier (automatically created if not provided). Returns ------- dict Message header including unique message identifier and timestamp. ''' return {'msg_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'session' : session or str(uuid.uuid4()), 'date':, 'source': source, 'target': target, 'msg_type': message_type, 'version': '0.4'}
[docs]def get_connect_request(source, target): ''' Construct a ``connect_request`` message. Args: source (str) : Source name/ZMQ identifier. target (str) : Target name/ZMQ identifier. Returns: dict : A ``connect_request`` message. ''' header = get_header(source, target, 'connect_request') return {'header': header}
[docs]def get_connect_reply(request, content): ''' Construct a ``connect_reply`` message. Parameters ---------- request : dict The ``connect_request`` message corresponding to the reply. content : dict The content of the reply. Returns ------- dict A ``connect_reply`` message. ''' header = get_header(request['header']['target'], request['header']['source'], 'connect_reply', session=request['header']['session']) return {'header': header, 'parent_header': request['header'], 'content': content}
[docs]def get_execute_request(source, target, command, data=None, mime_type='application/python-pickle', transfer_encoding='BASE64', silent=False, stop_on_error=False): ''' Construct an ``execute_request`` message. Parameters ---------- source : str Source name/ZMQ identifier. target : str Target name/ZMQ identifier. command : str Name of command to execute. data : dict, optional Keyword arguments to command. mime_type : dict, optional Mime-type of requested data serialization format. By default, data is serialized using :module:`pickle`. silent : bool, optional A boolean flag which, if ``True``, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible. If ``silent=True``, reply will *not* broadcast output on the IOPUB channel. stop_on_error : bool, optional A boolean flag, which, if ``False``, does not abort the execution queue, if an exception is encountered. This allows the queued execution of multiple ``execute_request`` messages, even if they generate exceptions. Returns ------- dict An ``execute_request`` message. ''' header = get_header(source, target, 'execute_request') content = {'command': command, 'silent': silent, 'stop_on_error': stop_on_error} content.update(encode_content_data(data, mime_type=mime_type, transfer_encoding=transfer_encoding)) return {'header': header, 'content': content}
[docs]def get_execute_reply(request, execution_count, status='ok', error=None, data=None, mime_type='application/python-pickle', transfer_encoding='BASE64', silent=None): ''' Construct an `execute_reply` message. Parameters ---------- request : dict The `execute_request` message corresponding to the reply. execution_count : int The number execution requests processed by plugin, including the request corresponding to the reply. status : str, optional One of `'ok', 'error', 'abort'`. error : exception, optional Exception encountered during processing of request (if applicable). data : dict, optional Result data. mime_type : dict, optional Mime-type of requested data serialization format. By default, data is serialized using :module:`pickle`. transfer_encoding : str, optional If ``BASE64``, encode binary payload as base 64 string. silent : bool, optional A boolean flag which, if ``True``, signals the plugin to execute this code as quietly as possible. If ``silent=True``, reply will *not* broadcast output on the IOPUB channel. If ``None``, silent setting from request will be used. Returns ------- dict An ``execute_reply`` message. ''' header = get_header(request['header']['target'], request['header']['source'], 'execute_reply', session=request['header']['session']) if status == 'error' and error is None: raise ValueError('If status is "error", `error` must be provided.') content = {'execution_count': execution_count, 'status': status, 'command': request['content']['command'], 'silent': request['content'].get('silent') if silent is None else silent} content.update(encode_content_data(data, mime_type=mime_type, transfer_encoding=transfer_encoding)) if error is not None: content['error'] = str(error) return {'header': header, 'parent_header': request['header'], 'content': content}
[docs]def mime_type(mime_type_override=None): ''' Decorator to specify mime type of return type. The ``mime_type`` attribute of the function is set accordingly. ''' # Assume `mime_type` used as a decorator with call brackets. def mime_type_closure(function): function.mime_type = mime_type_override return function return mime_type_closure
[docs]class PandasJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): ''' Example ------- >>> data = pd.Series(range(10)) >>> df_data = pd.DataFrame([data.copy() for i in xrange(5)]) >>> combined_dump = json.dumps([df_data, data], cls=PandasJsonEncoder) >>> loaded = json.loads(combined_dump, object_hook=pandas_object_hook) >>> assert(loaded[0].equals(df_data)) >>> assert(loaded[1].equals(data)) See also -------- :func:`pandas_object_hook` '''
[docs] def default(self, o): # TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO # TODO Add support for: # TODO - Multi level index # TODO - Multi level columns index # TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO # Use `.values.tolist()` since the `tolist()` method of `pandas` # objects does not convert `numpy` numeric types to native Python # types, whereas `numpy.ndarray.tolist()` does. # Encode `pandas.Series` as `dict` with `index`, `values`, `dtype` # and `type="Series"`. if isinstance(o, pd.Series): value = {'index': o.index.values.tolist(), 'values': o.values.tolist(), 'index_dtype': str(o.index.dtype), 'dtype': str(o.dtype), 'type': 'Series'} if value['index_name'] = if value['name'] = return value # Encode `pandas.DataFrame` as `dict` with `index`, `values`, # and `type="DataFrame"`. elif isinstance(o, pd.DataFrame): value = {'index': o.index.values.tolist(), 'values': o.values.tolist(), 'columns': o.columns.tolist(), 'index_dtype': str(o.index.dtype), 'type': 'DataFrame'} if value['index_name'] = return value else: try: return dict([(k, getattr(o, k)) for k in dir(o) if isinstance(getattr(o, k), (int, float, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, str, unicode))]) except: pass return super(PandasJsonEncoder, self).default(o)
[docs]def pandas_object_hook(obj): ''' Example ------- >>> data = pd.Series(range(10)) >>> df_data = pd.DataFrame([data.copy() for i in xrange(5)]) >>> combined_dump = json.dumps([df_data, data], cls=PandasJsonEncoder) >>> loaded = json.loads(combined_dump, object_hook=pandas_object_hook) >>> assert(loaded[0].equals(df_data)) >>> assert(loaded[1].equals(data)) See also -------- :class:`PandasJsonEncoder` ''' # TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO # TODO Add support for: # TODO - Multi level index # TODO - Multi level columns index # TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO # Decode `pandas.Series` from `dict` with `index`, `values`, `dtype` # and `type="Series"`. if obj.get('type') == 'Series': value = pd.Series(obj['values'], index=np.array(obj['index'], dtype=obj ['index_dtype']), dtype=obj['dtype'], name=obj.get('name')) = obj.get('index_name') return value # Decode `pandas.DataFrame` from `dict` with `index`, `values`, # and `type="DataFrame"`. elif obj.get('type') == 'DataFrame': value = pd.DataFrame(obj['values'], index=np.array(obj['index'], dtype=obj['index_dtype']), columns=obj['columns']) = obj.get('index_name') return value return obj